Twitter Analysis

Big data analysis of tweets from US congress members.

I took the task and data from the SQL for Data Science course on Coursera. The imaginary customer wants an analysis of the 2008-2017 congressional tweets to understand key topics, members, and relationships within Congress.

Pyspark • Databricks • SQL

World Bank Commander

Compare all world bank indicators on a 2x2 chart grid.

The idea was to have a clean overview of the different indicators to comapare and spot unexpected relationships. Since the world bank's interface is very cumbersome and buggy I wanted something simple. Happy relationship hunting!

Dash • Python • Plotly

Delicious Data Deli

Data Driven Documents (D3) visualizations.

There's a ton of visualizations libraries but most of them leave much to be desired. Eventually I had to learn D3 since it gives me the creative freedom to customize like hell. Come visit my little delicatessen shop of statisical eye-candy.

D3 • JavaScript • Pandas